Our distributor in Thailand, GEcons (Thailand) Co Ltd has been a Protectapeel® distributor for 11 years. Established in 1992, GEcons is a leading specialist in quality construction materials for construction projects in Thailand. They pride themselves on being able to supply customers with a comprehensive range of brands and products as well as technical expertise.
We spoke to GEcon's Sales Director Mr Thanapong Charusadhirakul to discuss distributing Protectapeel®.
“Our typical working week is usually exciting and fun, we get to meet our customers by demonstrating on-site or at their factory. It can also be an enjoyable challenge as our customers always ask great questions to our sales team. Demonstrating on-site how Protectapeel® actually protects from dirt and damage is a huge benefit as our customers can see how it saves them money by not having to replace the glass.
Protectapeel® is such a versatile product, super easy to use and it is environmentally friendly. By preventing damaged surfaces, we are reducing replacements and ultimately our carbon footprint.
It is great at GEcons, we get to practice our creativity and problem-solving skills to help our customer build long-lasting landmark buildings. Our motto is "Never stop learning! You learn something every day if you pay attention!".

For more information about Protectapeel® in your area contact us today.