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Get Ahead Of The Sustainability Curve With A Greener Coating

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

The British construction industry is a major contributor to the Nation’s carbon emissions and waste. (Construction News)

With the Get It Right Initiative reporting that the construction industry could save between £10 - £25 billion per annum by simply eliminating error, it may be time to look at your company’s waste policies – and surface damage during construction is a great place to start.

Surface damage on site can range from dust, paint overspray and weathering that will require additional cleaning before handover. More serious surface damage such as scratching or weld spatter can result in repairs or worse replacements, which will cost you time, money and long delays waiting for replacement surfaces.

Whilst a lot of companies do try to overcome surface damage during construction, a popular choice is protective film on rolls. Unfortunately, this film tends to lose adhesion quickly and exposes the surface to the damages you were trying to avoid.

Then ask yourself – what happens to the protective film once your finished with it? It most likely goes into a skip and ultimately into landfill, contributing to the waste produced during the project.

It may be time to research alternative protective materials that are more environmentally friendly, getting your company ahead of the sustainability curve.

Protectapeel® protective coating is superior to protective film on rolls because;

But not only this – Protectapeel® can also be returned to the manufacturer (Spraylat) for recycling! Simply hand peel the used protective coating off of the surfaces before handover, place it in the original container and return to us – we’ll do the rest!

By using more sustainable products on-site not only makes your company more sustainable over the competition but it could also save you a lot of money!

Interested? Why not get in touch for a free, no obligation Protectapeel® demonstration to see the benefits for yourself!


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