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10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Protective Coatings Instead of Protective Film

We have many project managers enquire with us looking for an effective method of surface protection as the protective film they have used has let them down.


spray on protective coating

1.   Ease of application

Protectapeel is quickly and effortlessly applied by airless spray gun directly to the surface. Applying protective film can be time-consuming. Protective film requires cutting and applying pressure to ensure it is applied, with time also spent removing air bubbles.  


cutting protective film

2.   Avoid measuring and cutting to size

Protectapeel is easier to apply than protective film as no measuring or cutting to size is required. Protective film will need to be cut off the roll and measured to fit the surface – adding more time to the application process.


3.   Avoid waste and off cuts

As protective film needs cutting to size – off-cuts are inevitable, wasting a considerable amount of the product. Avoid the offcuts and waste by using Protectapeel spray on protective coating. 


spray on protective coating

4.   Suitable for shaped surfaces

Protective film can be used for shaped surfaces, but it will be tricky. It will most likely be time consuming cutting the film to size and applying it. As a liquid coating, Protectapeel is easily and quickly sprayed around shaped surfaces.


5.   12 month protection

The biggest difference is the duration of protection provided. Whilst Protectapeel can be used to protect surfaces for up to 12 months, protective film usually can only protect for 60 days.


protective film v protective coating

6.   No adhesion loss

Protective film is known to lose adhesion making the surfaces you’ve spent time protecting vulnerable to damage! Protect it right the first time by using Protectapeel. The protective coating forms an air-tight protective bond that does not lose adhesion throughout the project!


fire rated protective coating

7.   British standard fire rated

Protectapeel has achieved BS 476 Pt 7 Surface Spread of Flame Class 1 and 2!


protective coating v protective film

8.   Avoid residue on the substrate

Protectapeel does not leave any residue on the surface once removed. Protective film tends to leave a sticky, adhesive residue that may have baked on due to sunlight.


9.   Avoid cleaning after removal

Adhesive residue left behind from protective film will be time-consuming and expensive to clean, which may affect handover time.

No residue is left behind once Protectapeel is peeled – leaving you with clean and undamaged surfaces ready for handover.


recycling protective coating

10.  Avoid landfill after use

Protectapeel can be condensed down and returned to us for recycling!

The Protectapeel Recycle Point team will send out free recycle bags for you to use and will then schedule a convenient date to collect the waste from you for free*!

*Five working days' notice is required. Please let us know of any restrictions on site prior to collection. A minimum of 50kg of used material is required for free collection

Get in touch to see how Protectapeel protective coatings can help you!



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